Pictures from our Travels

In Other Places, Other Times        (Web page under construction, may change frequently. Last change Feb 23, 2015)

We have traveled a great deal.  Much of it has been with charitable groups or in connection with our work as university teachers, and the purpose of much of it has been to try to learn more about other cultures and about how people live and what people think.

We are in the process of writing about what we have learned.  This may include not only our own travels, but stories from our families.  Eunice's earliest ancestors arrived in America on the Mayflower, and among them was one of the first men run out of Plymouth Colony as a heretic.  Family records include notes from an ancestor who fought in the Revolution. Edward's family were part of the great wave of immigration of the late 1800's and early 1900's, so the immigrant experiences are still very much alive, passed from parent to child.

As we draft sections, we propose to post them here. The layout will no doubt change as our writing progresses.  We do not know yet whether there will eventually be published books resulting from the project. 

Comments and inquiries are welcome. You may contact us by e-mail: click here
Eunice and Edward Ordman    (Revised March 17, 2010)

Last changes:

   Israel pictures moved and link added here, Wales and Scotland pictures linked,  2/23/2014
      also 2/2015-  uploaded and linked Denmark pictures (Not all sorted!)
  Alaska Pictures added 10/2/2012
  Greece - pictures added 4/26/2010
  Italy,  Ukraine/Russia - more pictures added, many renamed, 5/22/2010
   Links labels revised to help visually impaired (did it help?) 6/11/2010

Some Places We Have Been

Here is a list of some of the places we have traveled.  It is not really a table of contents, but as we get some essays up here we will underline the place and link to the essay.  It is both arbitrary and incomplete (e.g., including only a few US references. See also notes at the bottom of the page.)
Many prior brief essays have been published in the Christian Science Monitor.    There is a list of Edward's essays published there, found here.
Where one of the places here is mentioned in those essays, there is a link like this (E)  beside the place name. (E E multiple links)
We have many of our travel pictures on line;  the link to pictures looks like this: <P>

A few older links to earlier versions of on-line pictures are still  HERE.

  Australia       Austria<P>      Belgium <P>       Bermuda      Bhutan  <P> (E)        Bolivia  <P>    Botswana    
 Cambodia <P>     Canada      China <P> (E  E)         Cuba <P>           Czech Republic       
  some are grouped intelligently, others are not:
         Aalborg <P>,  Aarhus <P>,  Fredriksborg <P>,  Fyn <P>,  Legoland <P>,  Olgod <P>,  Roskilde <P>,  Unsorted <P>
 Ecuador <P>       Egypt<P>      England       Faroe Islands <P> (E)        France <P> (E  E)     Germany<P>
 Greece<P>   Hungary <P>     India <P>           Israel/Palestine<P>(E  E)       Italy<P>      
Japan<P>         Luxembourg
   Malawi  <P> (E)    Martinique Mexico & Yucatan      
<P_hotel>  <P_Gardens> <P_Street Scenes>     <P_Air return> 
 Netherlands<P>   New Zealand    Norway     Poland   <P>      Peru(see Bolivia)     Puerto Rico            
 Russia (see Ukraine)    Scotland<P>     Sweden      Switzerland   
 Thailand       Turkey(E)    Ukraine <P> (E  E  E)     Wales<P>      Yugoslavia    Zimbabwe

Some papers we have written in recent semesters in writing workshops are also relevant.
(These are not yet on this site, use "Back" to return here.)
A notion of how we travel is given in "A strategy for travel"
and a potential piece of an section about Israel (a difficult hospital stay) may be found in  "Recovery"
The Bolivia entry is also partial, an essay written for another purpose.
For further writing and photos about Israel/Palestine, see also

Other Times and Places in the United States

Alaska, pictures from a tour in June 2012
Lexington, Kentucky, the 1970's (stories)
Starting from the Mayflower (story Eunice's family)  (Not on this site, use "Back" to return here.)
Chattanooga, Tennessee (story)
Montana (Indian Reservations) <P>  
Tennessee (Vietnamese Festival) (E)
New Hampshire -  New London Hospital Day Parade 1949 <P>
                               New London Hospital Day Parade 2014 <P>
                                St Gaudens Historic Site (studio) <P>